Expectations of your Wellness Evaluation

Expectations of your Wellness Evaluation

It’s a win win! You’re complementary evaluation is where you can express your concerns and our team can set a game plan to meet your needs. 

When you come for your evaluation we, we ask you detailed questions about your health history that include descriptions of your pain and injury history, the health challenges you are facing, your medical history, and health problems that run in your family. 

We are also interested to know about your work, diet, and how physically active you are. All of these factors contribute to your health profile and inform the treatment plan we develop.

During your evaluation, we discuss the information you’ve shared with us, and carefully assess your muscle and spine strength and function as well as how your nervous system is performing.

Learning about your lifestyle is important because it gives us insight into your physical and life stresses, such as whether you sit for most of the day at a desk, travel frequently, or juggle the demands of caregiving and work on a daily basis. 

If you would like to begin care, we can get started right away. We are here to help you with your issues immediately. 

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